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/* Eiffel/S II MacOS Runtime */
/* Author : Ian Joyner */
/* Release : 1.0 */
/* Date : Dec. 1997 */
/* Copyright : Ian Joyner */
/* */
/* */
#include <Quickdraw.h>
#include <Sound.h>
#include <Eiffel2.h>
POINTER platform_QD_GetPort ()
GrafPtr p;
GetPort (&p);
return (POINTER)p;
void platform_QD_SetPort (POINTER p)
SetPort ((GrafPtr)p);
POINTER platform_QD_white ()
return (POINTER)&qd.white;
POINTER platform_QD_black ()
return (POINTER)&qd.black;
POINTER platform_QD_gray ()
return (POINTER)&qd.gray;
POINTER platform_QD_light_gray ()
return (POINTER)&qd.ltGray;
POINTER platform_QD_dark_gray ()
return (POINTER)&qd.dkGray;
POINTER platform_QD_arrow ()
return (POINTER)&qd.arrow;
POINTER platform_QD_screen_bits ()
return (POINTER)&qd.screenBits;
INTEGER platform_QD_random_seed ()
return qd.randSeed;
void platform_QD_set_random_seed (INTEGER start)
qd.randSeed = start;
INTEGER platform_QD_screen_left ()
return qd.screenBits.bounds.left;
INTEGER platform_QD_screen_top ()
return qd.screenBits.bounds.top;
INTEGER platform_QD_screen_right ()
return qd.screenBits.bounds.right;
INTEGER platform_QD_screen_bottom ()
return qd.screenBits.bounds.bottom;
void platform_QD_move_to (INTEGER h, INTEGER v)
MoveTo (h, v);
void platform_QD_move (INTEGER dh, INTEGER dv)
Move (dh, dv);
void platform_QD_line_to (INTEGER h, INTEGER v)
LineTo (h, v);
void platform_QD_line (INTEGER dh, INTEGER dv)
Line (dh, dv);
void platform_QD_color_bit (INTEGER which_bit)
ColorBit (which_bit);
INTEGER platform_desktop_rectangle_left ()
return (*GetGrayRgn ())->rgnBBox.left;
INTEGER platform_desktop_rectangle_top ()
return (*GetGrayRgn ())->rgnBBox.top;
INTEGER platform_desktop_rectangle_right ()
return (*GetGrayRgn ())->rgnBBox.right;
INTEGER platform_desktop_rectangle_bottom ()
return (*GetGrayRgn ())->rgnBBox.bottom;
void platform_point_global_to_local (INTEGER *x, INTEGER *y)
Point p;
SetPt (&p, *x, *y);
GlobalToLocal (&p);
*x = p.h;
*y = p.v;
void platform_point_local_to_global (INTEGER *x, INTEGER *y)
Point p;
SetPt (&p, *x, *y);
LocalToGlobal (&p);
*x = p.h;
*y = p.v;
BOOLEAN platform_QD_done ()
return QDDone (NULL);
/* */
/* QUICKDRAW text */
/* */
/*void platform_QD_text_font (INTEGER the_font)
TextFont (the_font);
void platform_QD_text_face (INTEGER the_face)
TextFace (the_face);
void platform_QD_text_mode (INTEGER the_mode)
TextMode (the_mode);
void platform_QD_text_size (INTEGER new_size)
TextSize (new_size);
/* */
/* PEN */
/* */
void platform_get_pen (INTEGER *x, INTEGER *y)
Point p;
GetPen (&p);
*x = p.h;
*y = p.v;
void platform_set_pen_size (INTEGER width, INTEGER height)
PenSize (width, height);
void platform_set_pen_mode (INTEGER mode)
PenMode (mode);
/* */
/* PORTs */
/* */
INTEGER platform_graf_port_size ()
CGrafPort p;
return (sizeof (p));
void platform_SetPort (GrafPtr port)
SetPort (port);
INTEGER platform_port_left (GrafPtr gp)
return gp->portRect.left;
INTEGER platform_port_top (GrafPtr gp)
return gp->portRect.top;
INTEGER platform_port_right (GrafPtr gp)
return gp->portRect.right;
INTEGER platform_port_bottom (GrafPtr gp)
return gp->portRect.bottom;
void platform_port_invalidate (INTEGER l, INTEGER t, INTEGER r, INTEGER b)
Point lt, rb;
Rect rc;
SetRect (&rc, l, t, r, b);
InvalRect (&rc);
void platform_port_set_origin (INTEGER h, INTEGER v)
SetOrigin (h, v);
void platform_port_scroll (INTEGER l, INTEGER t, INTEGER r, INTEGER b, INTEGER dh, INTEGER dv, RgnHandle update_region)
Rect rc;
SetRect (&rc, l, t, r, b);
ScrollRect (&rc, dh, dv, update_region);
void platform_port_set_size (INTEGER width, INTEGER height)
PortSize (width, height);
void platform_port_move_to (INTEGER l, INTEGER t)
MovePortTo (l, t);
BOOLEAN platform_port_pixel (INTEGER h, INTEGER v)
return GetPixel (h, v);
/* */
/* PATTERNs */
/* */
INTEGER platform_pattern_size ()
Pattern p;
return (sizeof (p));
PatHandle platform_pattern_get (PatPtr p, INTEGER id)
PatHandle ph;
ph = GetPattern (id);
*p = **ph;
DisposeHandle ((Handle) ph);
PatHandle platform_pattern_get_from_list (PatPtr p, INTEGER list_id, INTEGER index)
GetIndPattern (p, list_id, index);
/* */
/* BIT MAPs */
/* */
INTEGER platform_bit_map_size ()
BitMap bm;
return (sizeof (bm));
void platform_bit_map_attach (BitMap *pbm, POINTER p_map)
pbm->baseAddr = p_map;
/* */
/* SHAPESs */
/* */
BOOLEAN shape_open;
BOOLEAN platform_no_shape_open ()
return (!shape_open);
#define QD_call(n, c)\
void n (INTEGER left, INTEGER top, INTEGER right, INTEGER bottom)\
Rect r;\
SetRect (&r, left, top, right, bottom);\
c (&r);\
#define QD_call_fill(n, c)\
void n (INTEGER left, INTEGER top, INTEGER right, INTEGER bottom, const Pattern *p)\
Rect r;\
SetRect (&r, left, top, right, bottom);\
c (&r, p);\
#define QD_callRRArc(n, c)\
void n (INTEGER left, INTEGER top, INTEGER right, INTEGER bottom,INTEGER w, INTEGER h)\
Rect r;\
SetRect (&r, left, top, right, bottom);\
c (&r, w, h);\
#define QD_call_fillRRArc(n, c)\
void n (INTEGER left, INTEGER top, INTEGER right,INTEGER bottom, INTEGER w, INTEGER h, const Pattern *p)\
Rect r;\
SetRect (&r, left, top, right, bottom);\
c (&r, w, h, p);\
#define QD_callT(n, c, t)\
void n (t rp)\
c (rp);\
#define QD_call_fillT(n, c, t)\
void n (t rp, const Pattern *p)\
c (rp, p);\
/* */
/* LINEs */
/* */
void platform_line_frame (INTEGER h1, INTEGER v1, INTEGER h2, INTEGER v2)
MoveTo (h1, v1);
LineTo (h2, v2);
/* */
/* */
QD_call (platform_rectangle_frame, FrameRect)
QD_call (platform_rectangle_paint, PaintRect)
QD_call_fill (platform_rectangle_fill, FillRect)
QD_call (platform_rectangle_erase, EraseRect)
QD_call (platform_rectangle_invert, InvertRect)
QD_call (platform_rectangle_invalidate, InvalRect)
QD_call (platform_rectangle_validate, ValidRect)
QD_call (platform_rectangle_set_clip, ClipRect)
void platform_rectangle_scroll (INTEGER left, INTEGER top, INTEGER right, INTEGER bottom, INTEGER dh, INTEGER dv, RgnHandle ur)
Rect r;
SetRect (&r, left, top, right, bottom);
ScrollRect (&r, dh, dv, ur);
/* */
/* ELLIPSEs */
/* */
QD_call (platform_ellipse_frame, FrameOval)
QD_call (platform_ellipse_paint, PaintOval)
QD_call_fill (platform_ellipse_fill, FillOval)
QD_call (platform_ellipse_erase, EraseOval)
QD_call (platform_ellipse_invert, InvertOval)
/* */
/* */
QD_callRRArc (platform_round_rectangle_frame, FrameRoundRect)
QD_callRRArc (platform_round_rectangle_paint, PaintRoundRect)
QD_call_fillRRArc (platform_round_rectangle_fill, FillRoundRect)
QD_callRRArc (platform_round_rectangle_erase, EraseRoundRect)
QD_callRRArc (platform_round_rectangle_invert, InvertRoundRect)
/* */
/* ARCs */
/* */
QD_callRRArc (platform_arc_frame, FrameArc)
QD_callRRArc (platform_arc_paint, PaintArc)
QD_call_fillRRArc (platform_arc_fill, FillArc)
QD_callRRArc (platform_arc_erase, EraseArc)
QD_callRRArc (platform_arc_invert, InvertArc)
/* */
/* REGIONs */
/* */
BOOLEAN region_is_open;
BOOLEAN platform_region_is_open ()
return (region_is_open);
int platform_region_size ()
Region r;
return (sizeof (r));
POINTER platform_region_new ()
return (POINTER) NewRgn ();
POINTER platform_region_open ()
OpenRgn ();
shape_open = true;
region_is_open = true;
return (POINTER) NewRgn ();
void platform_region_copy (RgnHandle src, RgnHandle dst)
CopyRgn (src, dst);
/* These aren't needed... no 32 to 16 bit conversions...
QD_callT (platform_region_frame, FrameRgn, RgnHandle)
QD_callT (platform_region_paint, PaintRgn, RgnHandle)
QD_call_fillT (platform_region_fill, FillRgn, RgnHandle)
QD_callT (platform_region_erase, EraseRgn, RgnHandle)
QD_callT (platform_region_invert, InvertRgn, RgnHandle)
QD_callT (platform_region_invalidate, InvalRgn, RgnHandle)
QD_callT (platform_region_validate, ValidRgn, RgnHandle) */
void platform_region_offset (RgnHandle r, INTEGER dh, INTEGER dv)
OffsetRgn (r, dh, dv);
void platform_region_close (RgnHandle r)
shape_open = false;
region_is_open = false;
CloseRgn (r);
/* */
/* POLYGONs */
/* */
POINTER platform_polygon_open ()
shape_open = true;
return ((POINTER) OpenPoly ());
/* These aren't needed... no 32 to 16 bit conversions...
QD_callT (platform_frame_polygon, FramePolygon, PolyHandle)
QD_callT (platform_paint_polygon, PaintPolygon, PolyHandle)
QD_call_fillT (platform_fill_polygon, FillPolygon, PolyHandle)
QD_callT (platform_erase_polygon, ErasePolygon, PolyHandle)
QD_callT (platform_invert_polygon, InvertPolygon, PolyHandle) */
void platform_polygon_offset (PolyHandle p, INTEGER dh, INTEGER dv)
OffsetPoly (p, dh, dv);
void platform_polygon_close (POINTER p) /* parameter ignored */
shape_open = false;
ClosePoly ();
/* */
/* PICTUREs */
/* */
PicHandle platform_picture_open (INTEGER left, INTEGER top, INTEGER right, INTEGER bottom, REAL h_res, REAL v_res)
OpenCPicParams pp;
SetRect (&pp.srcRect, left, top, right, bottom);
pp.hRes = h_res;
pp.vRes = v_res;
pp.version = -2;
pp.reserved1 = 0;
pp.reserved2 = 0;
shape_open = true;
return OpenCPicture (&pp);
PicHandle platform_picture_get (INTEGER id)
return GetPicture (id);
void platform_picture_comment (INTEGER kind, INTEGER sz, Handle d)
PicComment (kind, sz, d);
void platform_picture_draw (PicHandle p, INTEGER left, INTEGER top, INTEGER right, INTEGER bottom)
Rect bounds_rect;
SetRect (&bounds_rect, left, top, right, bottom);
DrawPicture (p, &bounds_rect);
void platform_picture_close (POINTER p) /* parameter ignored */
shape_open = false;
ClosePicture ();
/* */
/* COLORs */
/* */
void platform_invert_color (INTEGER *rp, INTEGER *gp, INTEGER *bp)
RGBColor c;
c.red = *rp;
c.green = *gp;
c.blue = *bp;
InvertColor (&c);
*rp = c.red;
*gp = c.green;
*bp = c.blue;
void platform_set_fore_color (INTEGER r, INTEGER g, INTEGER b)
RGBColor c;
c.red = r;
c.green = g;
c.blue = b;
RGBForeColor (&c);
void platform_set_back_color (INTEGER r, INTEGER g, INTEGER b)
RGBColor c;
c.red = r;
c.green = g;
c.blue = b;
RGBBackColor (&c);
void platform_get_fore_color (INTEGER *rp, INTEGER *gp, INTEGER *bp)
RGBColor c;
GetForeColor (&c);
*rp = c.red;
*gp = c.green;
*bp = c.blue;
void platform_get_back_color (INTEGER *rp, INTEGER *gp, INTEGER *bp)
RGBColor c;
GetBackColor (&c);
*rp = c.red;
*gp = c.green;
*bp = c.blue;
/* */
/* STRINGs */
/* */
void platform_draw_string (POINTER str)
Str255 scratch;
strcpy (scratch, str);
c2pstr ((char *)scratch); /* This might not be right if string is loaded from a resource */
DrawString (scratch);
INTEGER platform_string_width (POINTER str)
Str255 scratch;
strcpy (scratch, str);
c2pstr ((char *)scratch); /* This might not be right if string is loaded from a resource */
return (StringWidth (scratch));